Some of the issues with SQL Exec are:
1. It can select only single row of data.
2. It surpass the component processor and interacts directly with Database
3. It has to be used in only limited number of events and that too you
can cause data consistency problems if not timed properly.
#1 is precisely the reason why you'll use SQLExec if your requirements
demand it. SQLExec outputs only the first row to its output variables. Any subsequent
rows are discarded. This means if you only want to fetch a single row, SQLExec can perform better than the other SQL functions, because only a single row is fetched.
SQL objects for insert/update/delete for all of the above and they are well documented within
PeopleBooks. The record object has methods called Update(), Delete(), Insert(). It
also has methods called SelectByKey() and SelectByKeyEffdt() which can be used
for selecting into the record object.
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