Friday, May 10, 2013

Launch a PSQuery from PeopleSoft webpage

Below delivered function could be used to launch a PSQuery in PS webpage. Place the peoplecode in record rowinit event.

Declare Function CreateQueryURL PeopleCode WEBLIB_QUERY.QRYGENFUNCS FieldFormula;

Your record name.your field name.Value = CreateQueryURL("yuor query name", True);


Declare Function CreateQueryURL PeopleCode WEBLIB_QUERY.QRYGENFUNCS FieldFormula;

If %Component = Component.ABC_COMPNM_CMP Then
   ABC_COMMON_WRK.URL_1.Value = CreateQueryURL("ABC_PSQRYNM_QRY", True);

1 comment:

  1. Open PSQuery results in new page:
    Peoplecode behind the permission list queries.
    It uses the function GenerateQueryContentURL.

    GenerateQueryContentURL(PORTAL.portalname, NODE.nodename, QueryName, IsPublic [, IsNewWindow])

    GenerateQueryContentURL(%Portal, %Node, "PT_SEC_PLIST_USERS", True, True)

    This will open the results in new page. from there they can download to excel.
